
PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web

I use a lot of web services in my work – both accessing others’ data and sharing my own. Upon embarking on these projects, I never had a formal introduction to APIs. In typical developer fashion, I just dove into the deep end and only then learned to swim. However, some of us don’t learn that way and require a written tutorial. Even those of us who do dive in without reading the print first…

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Presentation Software-Technology

On Web Typography

Typography, or the science of fonts, has always been an important vehicle to communicate ideas. Printing presses used typography to achieve mass communication. In the age of Internet instantaneity, nothing has changed much as good fonts continue to be central means to convey concepts with the masses. Unfortunately, many users still default to a few common fonts like Helvetica/Arial or Times New Roman. In this book, Santa Maria seeks to free designers – and also…

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Society Software-Technology

The Hidden History of Big Brother in America

As a professional software developer and researcher, I have mixed reactions towards this book. On the one hand, it points out very valid concerns and complaints about how Internet technologies intersect with contemporary society, particularly with the political classes. On the other, I found myself repeating over and over to myself, “But that’s just how technology works!” As such, this book is a good conversation starter for an issue that needs broad discussion in America.…

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History Software-Technology

The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography

Hiding secrets (i.e., cryptography or the science of encryption) has become an increasingly important topic in the modern Information Age. It’s not just the stuff of the military and diplomacy. We cannot communicate secrets like credit card numbers over the Internet without it. In this book, dated around the turn of the millennium, Singh shares the history of encrypting messages. He begins to forecast its impact in the twenty-first century while noting exciting trends in…

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Management-Business Psychology Software-Technology

No More Teams! Mastering the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration

I wanted to read this book because I frequently saw it cited in contemporary business and management books. It talks at length about how to foster creative collaboration through the use of technology. It presaged a vision of a workplace with abundant computerized interactions. More impressively, it did so without foreseeing most of the impact of the Internet. Of course, the technologies described in this book are dated. Indeed, most of them are now in…

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Designing Secure Software: A Guide for Developers

Software security is an important yet neglected issue. Most developers will immediately recognize its importance because, with the Internet, so much of the computing infrastructure (the “surface”) is vulnerable to attack. Yet it’s simultaneously neglected because it relies on mastering the unknown – an unsurmountable topic. Reviewing security issues in one’s own code is often a painful process, much like reading an editor’s notes on one’s own writing. Into this ongoing conversation, Kohnfelder, a developer…

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Religion-Philosophy Software-Technology

The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger

Technology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can be as much of a problem as a help. As an instrument, it can make mass killing much easier. Indeed, nuclear bombs enable the world to potentially destroy itself in less than an hour. Yet technology can enable human flourishing as well. For instance, I develop software professionally that I hope will help my domain (medical research) advance. How are we to understand technology, a concept as…

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React and React Native

To enhance its social media software, Facebook commissioned a JavaScript framework that makes clicking around on a website much more pleasureful for users. Instead of waiting for web servers to respond, the content requests are handled in the background and rendered by JavaScript on the client’s computer. This framework, called React, has become one of the leading UI frameworks available for web development today, along with Vue.js. This book introduces React.js and gets developers up-to-speed…

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Designing Agentive Technology: AI That Works for People

It seems that advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have always been just over the world’s horizon ever since the 1950s. Although General AI – the kind that mimics full human intelligence – still seems decades away, our society seems to be adapting so-called Narrow AI already. (In fact, for work, I develop software that uses Narrow AI approaches for use by research administrators.) Noessel seeks to explain how non-programmers can design software that helps us…

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Advanced JavaScript

In the past decade, the JavaScript language has witnessed a renaissance of new activity. Once pigeon-holed as a language for web browser eye-candy, JavaScript can now be used for the entire stack (server-side, client-side, testing, and even command-line). In this book, Shute attempts to keep developers up to date with a high-level review of the advancements. While this book is not a classic (and what modern computer-language-specific book is a classic?), it serves the needs…

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