Presentation Writing-Communication

Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

Graphic design is an important help to any venture. In the age of electronic communication, it has become only more important to capture the public’s attention. Distractions abound, but well-thought visuals stand the chance of garnering a glance. Of course, only deeper substance will sustain interest in a written work, but interest will never be piqued without visual appeal. Lupton’s work seeks to enlighten those who deal with type in some format about the graphical…

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Presentation Software-Technology

Type on Screen: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Developers, & Students

Since Gutenberg, fonts have spent a lot of effort at perfecting how words appears on print. However, in the last several decades, screens have taken over. Thus, there has been a subtle shift in paradigms. For example, humans read text on screens typically further away than print; thus, designs for screens need to have a larger font size. To explore these nuances, Lupton (an established expert in typography) and her students at the Maryland Institute…

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Management-Business Presentation

The Public Relations Handbook

I do not work in the field of public relations but rather work with others that do. Thus, I have a vested interest in learning about their work without going through educational certifications. Further, I’m always eyeing ways to spotlight the positives of my work in an open and tactful manner to interested audiences. This compilation of articles by leading figures addresses a variety of core issues in PR and shows where the field has…

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Presentation Software-Technology

On Web Typography

Typography, or the science of fonts, has always been an important vehicle to communicate ideas. Printing presses used typography to achieve mass communication. In the age of Internet instantaneity, nothing has changed much as good fonts continue to be central means to convey concepts with the masses. Unfortunately, many users still default to a few common fonts like Helvetica/Arial or Times New Roman. In this book, Santa Maria seeks to free designers – and also…

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Management-Business Presentation

Pitch Like Hollywood: What You Can Learn From the High-Stakes Film Industry

Pitching, a core business practice, involves marketing an idea to a potential collaborator. Because thousands or millions of dollars can depend on a ten-minute presentation – or less – mastering every element of this type of presentation significantly benefits those who sell their ideas for a living. Desberg and Davis use their experiences coaching people in the film industry in Hollywood, an especially demanding domain, to bring these pitches to life. First, the good. The…

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Presentation Software-Technology

Web Style Guide: Foundations of User Experience Design

Not many books on topics related to the Internet are in their fourth edition. Around since the 1990s, Web Style Guide is an exception, and its contents illustrate why. It offers in-depth examinations of various elements of user experience. Much like traditional style guides like the Chicago Manual of Style, this work provides a comprehensive, one-stop treatment of what designers need to know to make use of websites. While being comprehensive, this book profoundly offers…

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Presentation Software-Technology

Getting Started with Processing: A Hands-On Introduction to Making Interactive Graphics

Processing is a computer language that is well-adapted to creating graphics. Its target audiences are hobbyists and professionals who are not full-time developers but who want to produce quality graphics. As the title implies, this book introduces the reader to the concepts it takes to get started. No extensive programming experience is required. The programming environment to produce Processing graphics is accessible via a free download. This book provides plenty of examples to excite the…

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Leadership Management-Business Presentation

Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management

In my opinion, this book is misnamed. Its proper main audience does not consist of managers but those in public relations; likewise, its main topic is not crisis management but communicating in a crisis. It admonishes the readers to plan for emergency situations, but it does very little to coach readers exactly how to do so. To be fair, it suggests that each company perform a “vulnerability analysis” to detect weaknesses that might be exploited…

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Beyond Bullet Points: Using PowerPoint to Tell a Persuasive Story that Gets Results.

Beyond Bullet Points: Using PowerPoint to Tell a Persuasive Story that Gets Cliff Atkinson(c) 2018. This book, sponsored by Microsoft, uses contemporary theories about communication to advocate that people stop using PowerPoint as a crutch and instead use it as a tool to tell a story. It accomplishes that task very effectively. Most people use PowerPoint to delineate a series of statements to be used in a presentation. I’ve sat through many lectures in…

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The Storyteller’s Secret: From TED Speakers to Business Leaders, Why Some Ideas Catch on and Others Don’t

by Carmine Gallo(c) 2016. Having spent five years in medical school, I tend to see the world through data – through facts and figures and not stories. My reading this book proves that I am still interested in the power of stories. Gallo uncorks the power of a narrative through a bunch of stories (some religious, some business-oriented, some humanitarian, all moving). Each chapter provides a report of one person’s life experiences. Skillfully, Gallo starts…

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