Indie Software-Technology

The Vue Handbook

Vue is a popular software programming package based off of JavaScript. It is an add-on that makes a client’s web browser to all sorts of fun and useful things. Through using templating and a centralized API, it can help create fast user interfaces on the web. It’s more-or-less a competitor with other JavaScript libraries like React.

Vue functions as a templating engine in JavaScript. That means that it is a client-side templating engine (in your web browser) – unlike, say, PHP, which is a server-side templating engine (on the server). Practically, this means that once a website is downloaded, it need not be refreshed for every update of the page’s information. This dramatically enhances the speed of the site.

Vue also has a neat feature called interpolation. (This was my favorite section in the book.) It transforms HTML elements with features that dynamically interact with the Vue.js engine. Thus, the programmer might write:

<span v-html=”rawHtml”></span>

The JavaScript variable rawHtml would then be placed in the body of this span element. This is much easier to write, read, and edit. But this is just the beginnings of interpolation. Not only can variables be bound dynamically, but events can be triggered or prevented on individual elements.

I read this handbook to evaluate the choice between Vue and React for a specific software project. I have to say that I prefer React slightly because it seems more expressive than Vue. Nonetheless, if your program’s focus is mainly on templating, Vue.js provides a stable and widely used resource that can speed up your web applications dramatically.

The great thing about Flavio’s handbook is that it is free and accessible via the web. His style is readable with copious code examples. You need not buy a book from a publisher in order to learn from an in-depth tutorial. Flavio also offers classes via his website (below) on plenty of JavaScript-related topics.

The Vue Handbook
By Flavio Copes
Copyright (c) 2018
Independently Published
Page Count: 122
Genre: Computer Science, JavaScript