Healthcare Science

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine & the New Human

Siddhartha Mukherjee, one of our age’s most brilliant medical writers, is a cancer doctor with research interests in the basic sciences of cell biology and genetics. He is also an engaging writer with a deep knowledge of the history of science. His books, one of which has won a Pulitzer Prize, combine all these crosscurrents to convey a compelling narrative. He’s done it for both genetics and cancer, and here, he hits another home run writing about cell biology.

In this book, he describes the long history of this field and how it has given us more understanding about our bodies’ various facets. He describes how cell biology has impacted various organ systems and translates knowledge of basic science to clinical effects. He also describes patient stories of contemporary impacts of research and cutting-edge research trials that hope to impart new wisdom to the medical establishment.

In this and other works, I’ve read few other authors who can make the history of medicine come alive to the same degree as Mukherjee. His passion for the subject combines many aspects, including stories about scientists’ personal lives, scientific details that have huge impacts on patients (i.e., all of us), and ethical challenges of managing biological innovations.

This book contains a lot of biological knowledge and healthcare experience. Reading about biology is not for the feint of heart. But his prose makes the process enjoyable. Aspiring healthcare workers and biological researchers will benefit from perusing its pages. It can teach a bunch about cell biology while keeping the reader mentally and spiritually engaged. This book provides us with a fun way to learn more about our bodies so that we don’t fall asleep in the process.

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Copyright (c) 2022
ISBN13 9781982117351
Page Count: 473
Genre: History of Medicine, Cell Biology