
TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking

The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
by Chris Anderson
I grew up paying attention to my school teachers and to Southern Baptist preachers. There was a gap in what I heard. I heard lots of reason-based presentations at school. I learned in detail how the world worked (nature and humanity). I learned to think, to question, and to present myself as a reasonable human being.

However, at church, I learned something different. I learned the art of rhetoric. While at school, I learned how to evaluate an argument, at church, I learned how to make an argument. To present myself in a manner that worked with normal people. School taught me the dignified way of presentation; church taught me the effective way of presentation.

I hate to say it, but there’s a difference. My schooling did not teach me leadership – to be effective. It did teach me efficiency – something my church pastors could have learned.

Fortunately, the TED program (as described in this book) is both effective and efficient in its aims. In it, I reminded myself of public-speaking principles for effective presentations. I learned about new, innovative ways of connecting with my audiences.
Most importantly, I learned ways that people are excited about transforming the world through thoughtful presentations. Example after example were drawn from real TED Talks about how to present effectively and efficiently. I was inspired over and over again while I honed my public speaking skills.
As the old saying goes, the world will marvel as you do common things in an uncommon way. This book definitely achieved that. Public speaking was refreshed as leadership in communication was inspired. Good rhetoric was taught. I recommend it to anyone who seeks to connect better with their fellow humans.