Management-Business Program Management

The Practitioner’s Guide to Program Management

Most businesspeople are familiar with the role of project managers. They ensure that projects become executed with quality, on time, and on budget. Not as many are familiar with the role of a program manager. As Irene Didinsky describes in this book, this role organizes a collection of projects to ensure that the organization benefits from them. The Project Management Institute, which publishes this book, supports certifications in both project management (PMP) and program management…

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Management-Business Program Management Software-Technology

Managing IT Projects: How to Pragmatically Deliver Projects for External Customers

Business projects involving information technology require their own set of required skills. The product is electronic, not physical, but the implementation is very abstract and technical. Planning and monitoring the work itself pose their own set of risks. Further, because everyone uses software, many think that designing software does not require special expertise, so projects become improperly designed from the start. Project management education does not routinely cover this niche of practical problems, but in…

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Management-Business Program Management

Transforming Project Management

The field of project management is receiving amplified attention in recent years. Companies simply need people with skills that can transform action items of strategic planning into reality. The Project Management Institute (PMI) has even begun as a way to provide consistent education and certification. The author holds a Project Management Professional Certification (PMP) and concisely relates how those principles should inform more businesses’ practices. Project management comes down to achieving agreed-upon results on time…

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The Socially Intelligent Project Manager: Soft Skills that Prevent Hard Days

Many technical people speak negatively about soft skills as if hard skills are the only things required for professional success. However, especially in the realm of management, people skills can make or break projects. Keeping people happy means making lives function. How can we leverage making people naturally cheery towards the productive growth of projects? Wasson directly addresses these questions in this business book. So-called “emotional intelligence” came into vogue through Daniel Goleman’s book in…

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Management-Business Software-Technology

Agile Essentials: You Always Wanted to Know

I’ve worked as a software developer in Agile environments since around 2014 and have enjoyed the productivity and quality gains that this paradigm provides. This workplace loosely implements Agile and accomplishes amazing feats of productivity. In this book, Ashar distills Agile concepts into easy-to-read chunks that can be quickly implemented. This book empowers managers to organize their team’s work more effectively so that customers can benefit more readily. Ashar begins this guide by stating that…

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