Management-Business Psychology Software-Technology

No More Teams! Mastering the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration

I wanted to read this book because I frequently saw it cited in contemporary business and management books. It talks at length about how to foster creative collaboration through the use of technology. It presaged a vision of a workplace with abundant computerized interactions. More impressively, it did so without foreseeing most of the impact of the Internet. Of course, the technologies described in this book are dated. Indeed, most of them are now in…

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The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

Coyle’s book on business cultures centers on the theme that highly successful groups over-perform when they have healthy interactions. This trait – not smarts or good marketing or strong financial support – is what business leaders should focus on cultivating in the people they direct. This theme is then explicated in a series of success stories from a variety of groups in fields like NBA basketball, the Navy Seals, restaurant service, and college hockey. Although…

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Fiction-Stories Management-Business

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

This work straddles the fence between a short novel and a book on business. It covers a helpful topic of five common dysfunctions of a team. Through reading it, I helped identify pits that teams I have participated in have fallen prey to. The story itself is relatively easygoing, if a bit short and superficial. A new CEO faces the scenario where her new form has more cash and more talented leaders, but is underperforming.…

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