Kids Leadership Religion-Philosophy

The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict

Leadership is a tricky task. No amount of technical excellence makes a good leader. The Arbinger Institute, a leadership research group, suggests that a heart at peace internally is the most important component for individuals to lead effectively. They contend this assertion applies to almost every realm of leadership, from parenting and organizations to world politics. And they show exactly how in this leadership fable. This story tells about a group that resolves family conflicts…

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Leadership Management-Business

Managing Conflict with Your Boss

This short, 30-page guide orients readers towards healthily managing conflict with someone in authority over you. Such conflicts can appear daunting, even overwhelming. The authors teach the basics of conflict management while balancing the precarious nature of being someone’s direct report. The teaching aims not to win the argument but to continue to go forward productively. Personally, I found it helpful that the book provided specific ways that conflict with a boss can arise. For…

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Psychology Society

Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection & Bridging Divides

In recent decades, American society has collectively forgotten the virtue of fostering belonging in others. There seem to be many causes contributing to this central effect – political partisanship, technology, police injustices, lingering racism, the capitalistic thrust of media, and more. Cohen, a Stanford psychology professor, takes aim at this rich topic by presenting a comprehensive theory driven by research and then drawing out several practical applications. He does so to help modern social problems…

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A Conspiracy of Mothers: A Novel

This story of race, family, and other “ties that bind” is a product of its environment – South Africa around the end of apartheid – as much as it is a story of universal human nature. Told from multiple perspectives, it represents the hard work of reconciliation in a culture divided by so many ephemeral things like ethnicity or skin color. It is also a story about real horrors also dividing us like sexual abuse,…

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