Leadership Management-Business

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Most people engage the world passionately through labor of some kind, only to lose their sense of purpose with time. Work becomes repetitive, and new outlets become sparse. In this book, Sinek suggests that great leaders continually re-engage with why they are doing what they do. They articulate their vision and systematize their effects in organization. By scaling their purpose, the best leaders inspire others to amplify their purpose for positive (and measurable) outcomes.

Now, Sinek freely admits that not everyone is a “why” person. There are also “how” people. Often, the why and how people pair together with one defining a vision and another implementing that vision into action. However, to borrow from spiritual language, the why person represents the soul of the organization, without which the group flounders. As the endeavor expands, the why person has to use words and structure to scale their vision for wider effects. Few actually have the skill to see these ventures through from beginning to end. Those that do achieve greatness.

To illustrate and argue for his points, Sinek borrows from a wide berth of figures and businesses. Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Dr. Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and other popular entities are referenced throughout this work. He even mentions the hardships that people face in losing their sense of why as they are overcome by a relentless what. The what and they why predictably “split” as the vision slowly dies out. Towards the end of the book, he ties these concepts to his personal story of struggle and success.

This book has obvious appeal to business and management types. However, the leaders of other organizations – like religious organizations, non-profits, or even educators – can benefit from a quick sprucing up on their leadership skills. Sinek provides clear words, cogent examples, and organizational structures for others to codify their inspiration into. It helps those active in hard work to remember why they are doing the what they do.

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
By Simon Sinek
Copyright (c) 2011
Portfolio/Gildan Audio
ISBN13 9781591846444
Genre: Business/Management, Leadership