
Sneezy the Snowman

“Aaaaaachooooo!” Sneezy the Snowman is catching a cold, and he needs to figure out appropriate ways to keep warm in the midst of winter weather. Since he is made of snow, he learns that he melts when around warm things like hot cocoa, a warm bath, or a fire. However, plenty of clothes can keep him from winter’s worst effects like sickness.

This book, appropriate for kids in preschool up to early elementary school, teaches little ones about how to handle themselves in the midst of cold weather. It also teaches how snow behaves in different environments. The story unfolds repetitively so that it can interject a small or large group with raucous laughter. This book is well-suited for the winter months and especially around the December winter holidays.

Sneezy the Snowman
By Maureen Wright
Illustrated by Stephen Gilpin
Copyright (c) 2014
Two Lions
ISBN13 9781477810545
Page Count: 34
Genre: Children’s (pre-2), Winter Holidays