Management-Business Software-Technology

Precisely: Working with Precision Systems in a World of Data

In recent years, the world, empowered by computer technologies and advanced data collection, has experienced an explosion of information. Instead of focusing on a few fixed principles, decision-making increasingly takes place in light of ever-changing data points. How are business folk supposed to develop, deploy, and use these systems? In this book, Tumin and Want provide a series of case studies that illustrate how leaders across many domains have accomplished this. They then extract guidelines that will help businesses adapt to this new paradigm.

Professionally, I develop software that makes a precision systems run in academic medicine. I am not a businessperson and probably do not sit in the intended audience for this book. Further, as one who designs and implements these systems, I’m already very familiar with many of the ideas. I recognized that this book consistently hits on the right topics, but the various case studies seemed repetitive at times. I could see how this could teach the business community – particularly those who need to learn how to adapt for the future. However, I don’t feel like it taught me much that I hadn’t encountered before.

Like any good business book, a variety of industries are represented. The message of continual development and continual improvement rings strong throughout the book. The authors cover topics as diverse as politics, potential trouble spots, management, and transforming an enterprise. They describe the change of precision systems as a true paradigm shift and as a creative disruption that will change an entire industry over time.

The main audience for this book is the class of business leaders with decision-making responsibilities, especially those on a more senior level. Anyone who feels left behind by technology’s ineluctable advance can open her/his eyes to modern advances through this book. Those who may understand something about precision systems, but not everything, can fill in gaps in their knowledge as well. As with any change, business opportunities will present themselves, and winners and losers will separate. Those who understand the new paradigm the earliest and the best will be in a prime situation to succeed. This book can help business leaders position themselves and their companies for the future.

Precisely: Working with Precision Systems in a World of Data
By Zachary Tumin & Madeleine Want
Copyright (c) 2023
Columbia University Press
ISBN13 9780231200608
Page Count: 296
Genre: Business, Technology