Healthcare Science Society

How to Prevent the Next Pandemic

Pandemics were on global leaders’ agendas before 2020, but since no global catastrophe happened since 1918, most did not prioritize these concerns. I hope that will not happen as much going forward. Preventative work has gained a new life. Bill Gates, co-founder of both Microsoft and the philanthropic Gates Foundation, uses his privileged, bird’s-eye view to organize what work can be done to avoid the “next pandemic.” Though humanity has moved onto other challenges, doing preparatory work can save future effort, financial loss, and ultimately human lives.

The source of this material should be noted. Gates is not a healthcare professional and holds no advanced degrees in the life sciences. However, as one of the world’s richest people, he has many smart friends who are at the top of their fields. Therefore, combined with his keen mind and willingness to share wealth, he is able to see the landscape better than almost anyone else. Though details might be quibbled with, curious readers can benefit from this book’s unique, broad outlay.

A technologist at heart, Gates covers diverse topics like medicines, vaccines, vaccine hesitancy, building global healthcare systems, and innovations. His words on these subjects never represent a deep, definitive dive, but they illustrate the general approach necessary for success the next time around. For a high-level treatment, he definitely “geeks out” in scientific and technological details. His foundation, co-founded with his ex-wife Melinda, puts money where his mouth is, so to speak, but all of these aims are broader than any one organization, government, or other financier.

Many parties can benefit from a read… especially before the COVID pandemic fades into distant memory. Economists, technologists (especially biotechnologists), social leaders, healthcare researchers, and public/global health advocates will benefit most from reading this work. Though relatively unpopular with Americans, preventative medicine can yield the most financial and health benefits, more than effective treatments and reactions to events. It would be smart to consider these things ahead of time – and incorporate them in how we live and vote.

How to Prevent the Next Pandemic
By Bill Gates
Narrated by Wil Wheaton
Copyright (c) 2022
Random House Audio
Length: 8:37
Genre: Public Health/Global Health