Leadership Management-Business

Organizational Culture & Leadership, 5th Edition

“Culture” has become a trendy word in today’s business talk. Many popular books espouse it as a cure-all to every organizational malady. Much hype certainly permeates those book, but Edgar Schein’s work cuts through the hype with an academic lens. Known as the father of the field of organizational culture, Schein describes his early explorations about it with the now-defunct DEC and how his ideas expanded with later work. As a result, this 5th edition presents an engaging textbook that moves seamlessly from theory to practical cases to elucidate key insights.

Not just for an academic crowd, this classic book contains many actionable topics, like how to analyze a culture is covered in depth. Many firms prefer culture surveys, but Schein warns that culture surveys, if wrongly done, can actually harm an organization by mistakenly exposing once-dormant artifacts. He also describes all that’s involved in changing culture, including potential mistakes to watch out for.

He identifies, better than I’ve ever read or heard before, how cultural dynamics and personal traits can translate into generative results, played out over time. I learned about how a group’s founder can successfully navigate the waters of letting others lead and learning from others’ contributions. I’ve seen too many promising ventures die when a leader exerts their ego over countervailing guidance.

If you’re in a position of influence over an organization – whether in its infancy, mid-life, mature years, or even in decline – reading this book can benefit you directly. Its comprehensive approach will point out what you need to improve in your circumstance. Many books only talk about one fix for one situation. This book offers a foundational, 360-degree look at a scholar contributions to the business world.

Organizational Culture and Leadership
By Edgar H. Schein with Peter Schein
Narrated by Noah Michael Levine
5th Edition
Copyright (c) 2017
Audible Studios
Length: 12:34
Genre: Organizational Leadership, Management