Since most emerging contemporary problems require team approaches, fostering a collaborative environment is a key to business success in today’s marketplace. Therefore, the Harvard Business Review (HBR) has a long list of articles available on the topic. They picked and compiled the ten best in this short guide.
Much like the magazine articles they originally were, chapters cover various topics, each with its own angle. For instance, one chapter addresses how to check if the benefits of collaboration exceed the costs of collaboration. Another chapter explores different strategic collaborative approaches and when to pursue each – or many at the same time.
By far the most interesting chapter was Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis’ piece on the neuroscience of collaboration. Goleman is previously famous for his groundbreaking work on emotional intelligence. Together, they focus on how the brain’s mirror neurons function in building collaborative environments. They hope teams build tight communicative transactions so that they can “read each others’ minds” transparently and efficiently.
The audience for these selections include the managerial classes in organizations – especially the C suite. To be straight, their perspective is for organizational leaders, not as much frontline managers in the trenches. Like much of HBR’s series, this select group might not incorporate the bread and butter of day-to-day managers. Nonetheless, it addresses how organizations can take advantage of competitive opportunities by empowering their entire team to collaborate.
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration
By Harvard Business Review
Narrated by Chris Kayser
Copyright (c) 2022
Ascent Audio
Length: 5:35
Genre: Business