
Designing Secure Software: A Guide for Developers

Software security is an important yet neglected issue. Most developers will immediately recognize its importance because, with the Internet, so much of the computing infrastructure (the “surface”) is vulnerable to attack. Yet it’s simultaneously neglected because it relies on mastering the unknown – an unsurmountable topic. Reviewing security issues in one’s own code is often a painful process, much like reading an editor’s notes on one’s own writing. Into this ongoing conversation, Kohnfelder, a developer…

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Religion-Philosophy Software-Technology

The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger

Technology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can be as much of a problem as a help. As an instrument, it can make mass killing much easier. Indeed, nuclear bombs enable the world to potentially destroy itself in less than an hour. Yet technology can enable human flourishing as well. For instance, I develop software professionally that I hope will help my domain (medical research) advance. How are we to understand technology, a concept as…

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React and React Native

To enhance its social media software, Facebook commissioned a JavaScript framework that makes clicking around on a website much more pleasureful for users. Instead of waiting for web servers to respond, the content requests are handled in the background and rendered by JavaScript on the client’s computer. This framework, called React, has become one of the leading UI frameworks available for web development today, along with Vue.js. This book introduces React.js and gets developers up-to-speed…

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Designing Agentive Technology: AI That Works for People

It seems that advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have always been just over the world’s horizon ever since the 1950s. Although General AI – the kind that mimics full human intelligence – still seems decades away, our society seems to be adapting so-called Narrow AI already. (In fact, for work, I develop software that uses Narrow AI approaches for use by research administrators.) Noessel seeks to explain how non-programmers can design software that helps us…

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Advanced JavaScript

In the past decade, the JavaScript language has witnessed a renaissance of new activity. Once pigeon-holed as a language for web browser eye-candy, JavaScript can now be used for the entire stack (server-side, client-side, testing, and even command-line). In this book, Shute attempts to keep developers up to date with a high-level review of the advancements. While this book is not a classic (and what modern computer-language-specific book is a classic?), it serves the needs…

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HTML5: The Missing Manual

The advent of HTML5 enabled much advancement in the design of Internet apps. New markup went hand-in-hand with improvements in JavaScript and CSS3. Together, these set the course for web design up to the present (at least, in 2021). This book, though last updated in 2014, still presents the clearest explanation of these technological advances. However, to access this clarity, the reader has to overlook copious references to outdated browser versions along with older (but…

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Exploring Splunk: Search Processing Language (SPL) Primer & Cookbook

Splunk is familiar to those in the IT world who need to search the massive amounts of data that a computer, particularly a web server, generates. The software – available in a downloadable, free format from their website – epitomizes the definition of Big Data. The old way of searching logs involved opening up text files manually, searching for certain words, and compiling results in a spreadsheet. To replace it, the Splunk team created Search…

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Science Software-Technology

Programming for Computations – MATLAB/ Octave

Undergraduate scientists and engineers must master complex mathematics to rise to practice their professions. Once they understand the fundamental mathematics, they must learn to calculate the results on their own using a computer and a program like Matlab (or the free version Octave). In this book, these two Norwegian scientists offer a friendly (or, in their words, “gentle”) introduction to this domain. By providing a clear guide, they help ease the burden of learning for…

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Science Software-Technology

Scientific Computing: For Scientists & Engineers

This work is misnamed. Its main contents are the mathematical foundations of scientific computing, not scientific computing itself. The actual computer code in Matlab/Octave is sparse throughout the book, with the exception of the last two chapters and the appendix. Again, the main subject is mathematics. This book is suitable for a mid-level undergraduate course in mathematics about how to approach scientific and engineering problems. A short yet comprehensive overview of the field, it provides…

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Presentation Software-Technology

Web Style Guide: Foundations of User Experience Design

Not many books on topics related to the Internet are in their fourth edition. Around since the 1990s, Web Style Guide is an exception, and its contents illustrate why. It offers in-depth examinations of various elements of user experience. Much like traditional style guides like the Chicago Manual of Style, this work provides a comprehensive, one-stop treatment of what designers need to know to make use of websites. While being comprehensive, this book profoundly offers…

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