Management-Business Software-Technology

The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

As technological development has increasingly driven the world economy, many observe that it causes a disruptive economic effect. New technology can humble big players and lift new players to leading positions. These effects often happen despite managers doing all the “right things.” We now have enough data to begin to analyze how technological disruptions happen across many industries. More importantly, we have data about how to manage innovation’s turbulence. In this classic text, Clayton Christensen…

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The Future of the Office: Work from Home, Remote Work & the Hard Choices We All Face

The COVID pandemic continues to shape the face of the global workforce in 2024. This book, written in the middle of the pandemic in 2021, sought to bring prior research about remote work to the forefront of business leaders. Written by a Wharton School professor, it briefly summarizes earlier studies and speculates on the pandemic’s future business outcomes. Given that it was written in the middle of a global crisis, this work is tightly coupled…

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Fiction-Stories Leadership Religion-Philosophy

Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin

In the early twentieth century, Harlem was the place to be for black culture. Many had recently moved northward from the South to try out city life. As much as they wanted to reinvent themselves, past culture, built on the Christian Scriptures, remained ever near. In a small Harlem church, a teenage son came to terms with his identity in a relatively short amount of time. This book starts with the beginning of his epiphany,…

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Remote: Office Not Required

The COVID pandemic forced the global workforce to become used to working from home, and many of us transitioned there permanently. I grew up with my professor-father often working from home in the evenings and trudged through graduate school studying and writing in a home office. Thus, working from home was not entirely new to me. In 2013, when this book was written, this idea was still a relatively fresh management technique, and this short…

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Leadership Management-Business Mentoring Psychology

The Power of the Other: The Startling Effect Other People Have on You, from the Boardroom to the Bedroom & Beyond – and What to Do About It

Modern leadership is often contrasted with healthy relationships. Leaders, we are told, have to be a lonely and isolated genius, like Steve Jobs. However, in truth, no one can lead without relying on other people. Getting things done requires healthy relationships, and most key advances just cannot be made without others’ influence. In this book, leadership psychologist Henry Cloud examines how to best take advantage of others’ help by identifying mutually beneficial relationships. Cloud’s main…

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Leadership Management-Business

Let It Go!: How to (Finally) Master Delegation & Scale Freedom Across Your Organization

Entrepreneurship draws people who aren’t afraid of taking risks and who are willing to put in the work. However, this field also has its share of pitfalls… like not being able to transform work requests into work for others. Leaders often get to their positions by getting things done. The practice of leadership, however, often means letting others get things done. The handoff process is called delegation. In this book, Emily Morgan dissects this topic…

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Management-Business Software-Technology

Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager: How to Be the Leader Your Development Team Needs

Managing software engineering efforts is a difficult task. One needs a thorough knowledge of authoring software, which itself is a rare, time-consuming accomplishment. Almost all general managers do not have an in-depth knowledge of programming (though many assume they do!). A few of the best software developers are promoted into a managerial role and have to figure out what to do on the job. Much literature on general management topics exists, but few writings center…

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Delegation & Supervision

It’s January 1, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to learn to say “no” more often and more effectively. To accomplish this, I’m reading several books on delegation. This book, short and inexpensive, seemed like a good place to start. Brian Tracy offers a broad overview of how to delegate and supervise work accomplished by a team. He communicates his message in a clear, accessible, and succinct manner. The book offers a good…

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Leadership Management-Business

The Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well

American business success tends to feed off a narrative of continual rise and winning. However, lives and careers are full of setbacks, and most do not know how to handle these towards a positive effect. Failing well is not an idea with wide acceptance. Many leaders fear permissiveness of failure will lead to a downward cycle in performance. Amy Edomondson, a business professor who studies organizational failures, believes that this pervasive culture needs to change.…

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Indie Management-Business Research-Education

Work-Life Balance: A Review: A Critical Review of Research in the Realm of Work-Life Balance

The term “work-life balance” has come into everyday business parlance in the last forty years. Though common, its precise meaning and nature are not well understood. In addition, its uptake has varied both among individual companies and among geographic regions. Recruiters, managers, and executives try to use a sense of work-life balance for competitive advantage, but almost always, such claims have limited data to back them up. What can we know about work-life balance so…

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