Biography-Memoir Management-Business Software-Technology

Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making

Tony Fadell assumes that the reader knew of his career by virtue of picking up this book. That was not the case with me. I develop software and implement technology solutions for a living and found the title intriguing. Fadell led iPod and iPhone hardware teams at Apple and pioneered the Nest “connected home” technology company (now Google Nest). So as an author, he brings some “street cred” to the topic of building technology companies.…

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Management-Business Psychology

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life & Business

Simple, popular, “arm chair” psychology says that life is full of “rational” choices that guide our lives. However, reasoning from human experience and psychological research, we’ve learned that habits guide most of our lives and prevent us from “choice fatigue.” How are we then to make use of habitual practices? In this book, Charles Duhigg analyzes how this impacts our business lives, our personal lives, and our society. He seeks to identify specific ways that…

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Leadership Management-Business Software-Technology

The CIO Paradox: Battling the Contradictions of IT Leadership

I write this review a full decade after this book was published. Further, I am a software developer in a large organization and, though quite happy, will likely never become a CIO at that company. Therefore, I don’t reside in the intended audience in this book. However, I notice many of these paradoxes in my work. I have to master the technical aspects of my job yet be adept enough to communicate to end-users. I…

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Indie Leadership Mentoring

Equip Your Inner Coach: Personal, Career & Leadership Development in an Uncertain Age

How can someone advance their career and leadership skills without having access to good, personalized mentoring? Many – particularly women and minorities – in the workforce lack such access, yet their ambition to contribute to the world does not lack. What are they to do? One thing they can do is check out Janet Bickel’s book. In it, she teaches readers to rely on their “inner coach” and like-minded peers in figuring out how to…

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Leadership Politics

A Message from Ukraine: Speeches, 2019-2022 by Volodymyr Zelensky

Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine in 2022 sent shockwaves through the democratic world. It reminded many of how precarious open, free societies are. As time unfolded, Ukrainian resistance, led by their President Zelensky, proved more formidable than anyone could predict. Most of the free world united behind Ukraine as they fought back Russian gains kilometer by kilometer. Zelensky’s leadership has been admirable. It’ll likely be studied by generations after his time passes, much like Churchill’s…

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Leadership Management-Business

Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter

This book entered two new words into my vocabulary of personality: “diminisher” and “multiplier.” To Wiseman, these contrasting interpersonal styles are the secret understanding to why some smart people succeed at leadership and others fail. A diminisher is someone who socially tries to prove how smart they are to everyone around them. As such, they promote themselves, not the people around them. In stark contrast, multipliers make the people around them feel smarter and more…

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Management-Business Psychology

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Today’s world is an increasingly complex place. Many of us feel like we live disintegrated lives and are pulled in many directions. Yet people who have the highest societal impact tend to have the ability to focus, and throughout the centuries, writers like Henry David Thoreau have reminded us to simplify instead of complicate. In this book, McKeown seeks to convey these timeless philosophical lessons in a more contemporary format, geared around modern business lives…

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Management-Business Mentoring

HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring You Need

Education invests over a decade into teaching youth about life and their speciality, but the need to learn does not stop with graduation. In some ways, it’s just starting. The wise learn how to learn in their organization and community. This allows them to adapt and advance over time. This collection of essays, written by business leaders and compiled by the Harvard Business Review, initiates and inspires learners in their quest to benefit from those…

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The Six Secrets of Raising Capital: An Insider’s Guide for Entrepreneurs

A certain mystique accompanies being the leader and founder of a company. That aura can help the leader maintain her/his position, but being new to a job can also become intimidating. Not everyone has a mentor to assist either. Add in the problem of recruiting investors, and a business leader can easily become overwhelmed. In this book, Fisher seeks to address and help that very audience so that their businesses can succeed over the long…

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Management-Business Writing-Communication

The Business of Being a Writer

Many people instinctively relate writing with a life of poverty. The impression is that majoring in English literature instead of, say, engineering will forecast a worse economic existence down the road. The “starving artist” stereotype thus comes into play. In this book, Friedman disagrees with this simplistic approach. She shows the many career paths that writing can take, including some more lucrative ones. She thus empowers readers (who are writers!) to make informed decisions about…

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