Book Reviews

Biography-Memoir Politics Society

Radical Inclusion: Seven Steps to Help You Create a More Just Workplace, Home & World

David Moinina Sengeh was seemingly at the peak of a great career triumph. Educated in America at Harvard and MIT, he was now a governmental cabinet member of education in his home country Sierra Leone. However, at the very beginning of his president’s term, the president – his boss – said that he would maintain the previous regime’s policy of banning pregnant girls from school. To most, this move seemed to make sense. However, to…

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Kids Sports

The Recruit’s Playbook: A 4-Year Guide to College Football Recruitment for High School Athletes

Recruiting for college football is a complicated but important process. Many aspire to its benefits, but only a few will move onto the next level. Like anything in sports and life, those who prepare the best will succeed the most. So how do you prepare, aside from dominating on the field? Larry Hart’s guide is a great way to start. An ex-NFL player and current college coach, he shows aspiring players what they should be…

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Healthcare History Science

The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons

Research into the human brain comprises an exciting frontier of knowledge today, yet most scientific accounts can dryly bore the average reader. And frankly, a lot of scientists and doctors can benefit from reading narratives of human stories behind scientific discoveries. To fill this gap, Sam Kean chronicles in this book the many functions of the human brain – and of parts of the human brain. He teaches basic neuroscience with the noteworthy interpersonal backstories…

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Family Psychology

Parenting Teens with Love & Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood

When my daughter was younger, I enjoyed reading Love and Logic for parents of young children. I found it helpful for establishing a good relationship with my daughter. And she has become a healthy preteen now. She is socially conscious, in an academic magnet school, and mostly interested in mature things. Importantly, she has become friends with my wife and me. Some of the credit for that goes to the framework the Love and Logic…

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Biography-Memoir Software-Technology

The Philosopher of Palo Alto: Mark Weiser, Xerox PARC & the Original Internet of Things

Palo Alto sits at the center of Silicon Valley as the world capital of technological development. In the final decades of the twentieth century, Xerox’s PARC labs held an eminent place within its culture and helped expand ideas like Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and “ubiquitous computing.” The man who coined the latter phrase is Mark Weiser, a late scholar whose work I was not intimately acquainted with until reading this work. In this biography of…

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Healthcare HIV/AIDS

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2023

Today is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. As those around me have probably picked up on, making an HIV vaccine has become one of my causes. In the quickest vaccine development ever, we made a COVID vaccine in a number of months, but it’s been almost 40 years since AIDS came to light, you say… Why haven’t we developed an effective HIV vaccine when COVID’s was made so quickly? For one, COVID has significantly less mutations.…

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Liquid Shades of Blue: A Novel

A one-page first chapter opens with Jack Girard’s mother Betty swallowing eight pills in an apparent act of suicide. Jack, an ex-lawyer and owner of a bar club in Key West, Florida, is soon alerted by his lawyer-father “Duke.” As with any good tale, things are not as they initially seem, though, and the story’s twists slowly build intrigue until resolution. Along the way, Jack reorients his life and his self-understanding as he uncovers family…

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Biography-Memoir Religion-Philosophy

Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement that Failed a Generation

Evangelicalism grew popular in the 1980s-1990s, yet many, like myself and Jon Ward, were wounded by a movement that seemed more self-interested and self-absorbed than interested in bettering the real world. Ward’s memoir/”testimony” (a common term in evangelical religion) conveys this culture clearly. A pastor’s son, he describes how some of his one-time evangelical heroes fell in notable ways in the lead-up to and during the Trump administration. Ward himself has built a notable career…

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The Home Front: Life in America During World War II

The story of World War II has been well-mined by historians over the past 80 years. It’s hard to provide a new angle on the action, yet this series of podcasts does just that. While many histories focus on stories of foreign battles, this history tells America’s domestic challenges around the war. It does so using audio footage of interviews from people at the time. While I’ve heard some of these narratives before (e.g., women…

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The Light on Farallon Island: A Novel

Lucy Riley is someone with secrets that haunt her from England to the American East to the Mid-West to the West Coast. They even chase her out of San Francisco to the Farallon Islands in the Pacific. She becomes a teacher to the rough island’s children. The handful of adults on the island are employed to man the lighthouse and harvest exquisite eggs. It’s a place that next to no one wants to go to,…

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