Management-Business Psychology

A Theory of Human Motivation

This foundational 1943 paper about human motivation and work deserves to be read in its original form, accessible here. Many textbooks provide a good summary of AH Maslow’s theory of human motivation around needs, but Maslow’s original work describes a more complex picture. For example, he does not describe a linear progression as lower needs become met. Instead, he paints a picture where multiple motivations often play off each other, where higher motives mingle with lower motives.

This book is a short reprint of the original, seminal journal publication. Unfortunately, it has not been reformatted in any way, and the text is small. It really should be re-typed (or perhaps, scanned and edited) if the publishing contract would allow. The words are worth reading, and the original text should remain accessible for students in generations to come. I just wish the reading process of the physical product was more pleasurable.

Those in the working world – particularly those who teach or train, supervise, or aspire to supervise – can benefit from reading Maslow firsthand. It will provide concise understanding into human behavior, particularly around work, to a degree that few other texts can. That insight, in turn, can lead to wiser decisions and a more productive cadre of workers. This short text frankly contains worth far more value than any more accessible popular books on the same topic. All it takes is about one hour to read, but a lifetime to ponder.

A Theory of Human Motivation
By A.H. Maslow
Copyright (c) 2013
Martino Publishing
ISBN13 9781614274377
Page Count: 16
Genre: Psychology, Theory of Work