Healthcare Science

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep & Dreams

Along with the brain, sleep remains as one of the frontiers of biomedical science. Over a century ago, Sigmund Freud attempted to explore the nature of dreams, but his first attempts seem generally off mark to modern science. Current work has much more evidence to inform it, but few have the time to learn about it. Fortunately, Matthew Walker, a research scientist (notably not a physician), presents a summary of contemporary scientific insights about sleep. He also offers numerous practical applications that can help us all get better quality sleep to live a better quality life.

I have a sleep disability whereby necessary medication causes me to sleep 11-12 hours per night. That change was a tough pill for me to accept, but over two decades later, I have come to accept it as a necessary part of my life. At the same time, I begun to have more vivid dreams. I remain very interested in this topic, and that interest led me to this book. I’m glad I found it.

Walker takes on a variety of topics around sleep and hardly leaves any one untouched. He talks about sleeping pills, dream interpretation, the length of sleep, early waking for schools, and medical residency training, among many others. His reasoning appears balanced and sound. He does not come across as overly preachy, but he does recognize the real, practical, human value of sleep science. He addresses current cultural controversies through science but, as you’d expect from a scientist, does not engage in culture wars.

I’ve learned a thing or two about recent sleep science that will help me along. Most people have a relationship with sleep that’s unique to them, and I suspect most people possess some degree of emotional feelings towards sleep. This book can address both of those life segments in a way that makes their lives better. The author’s words are directed towards a general audience, not just scientists. While heavy on the science, it provides a good reminder that the hours that we’re least active can be the most productive in our lives.

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
By Matthew Walker
Narrated by Steve West
Copyright (c) 2017
Simon & Schuster
Length: 13:52
Genre: Science, Health