Society Software-Technology

The Internet of Things: What Everyone Needs to Know

As a society, we have quickly moved into and out of the computer age and into the age of the world wide web. We are soon moving into the age of the Internet of Things (IoT). These comprise a myriad of devices which “talk” together via computer networks. They collect mountains of data on us and are poised to revolutionize virtually every sphere of human life.

Although driven by technological advance, these changes are ultimately social in their reach. That means that the legal and business systems must react to them through regulation and restraint appropriately in order for society to continue to flourish. Along these lines, Shackelford approaches us with his summary of research. He especially focuses on cybersecurity amid concerns that these devices be exploited for evil and not for good.

I work as a software developer, yet this philosophical approach – that computers must be actively leveraged for the common good – is one that I try to adapt through my technology. Blindly deploying more technology is not the answer, but rather making better use of technology towards good ends. Shackelford would seem to agree with this approach. In the last chapter, he even addresses the concept of “cyber-peace” in discussing how to shape the future.

At times, it seems that this book can focus on new things that the reader can miss the central points. The central argument can be hard to follow because of so many new words and concepts. As with many subjects having to do with technology, this book’s narrative can get lost in a “data dump” of sorts. I could use a little more humanism (i.e., concern for practical human needs) and a little less focus on technical details, social acronyms, etc.

Overall, this book seems to achieve its intended target – that is, it seems to provide a lot of information about the IoT that “everyone” will “need to know.” It is certainly encyclopedic in its approach. I wish it spoke more about the human condition and not just government, business, and technology. That would have moved this book from good to great in my ledger. Nonetheless, if you’re curious about the social directions of technology, this book is a good place to begin.

The Internet of Things: What Everyone Needs to Know
by Scott J. Shackelford
Copyright (c) 2020
Oxford University Press
ISBN13 9780190943806
Page Count: 256
Genre: Technology, Society