Healthcare History

The First Shots: The Epic Rivalries & Heroic Science Behind the Race to the Coronavirus Vaccine

Most Americans, heeding the news in 2020-2021 during the coronavirus pandemic, have some bits and pieces about how the “war” against the coronavirus was waged. Very few (yet) have a comprehensive view. Enter Borrell’s The First Shots. In it, he aims to provide a first-draft of a history describing the vaccine’s development. Resulting is an engaging and educational narrative that will inform generations to come.

With many actors, Borrell tellingly provides “A Cast of Characters” before beginning to convey his story. It is hard to keep up with everyone with a role. Readers who like to gear on character development will likely be disappointed by the complexity. The driving force is not the strength of human character but human determination to reach the finish line to fulfill a goal. He ambitiously engages the many domains in this drama, ranging from biomedical industry to research academe, from politicians to government employees. (Even my medical center Vanderbilt makes a few noteworthy showings!)

Because of so many moving parts across many disciplines and political dispositions, this story is inherently difficult to tell. Borrell maintains his objectivity well throughout this account. He shares the entire story with all of its unfettered endings and social rivalries. The Trump administration does not come out well, but this seems more due to the way it played its cards rather than the author’s ideology. The real meat lies in the team that made up Operation Warp Speed who bonded like soldiers in battle. They seemed to keep their eyes on the goal despite the world falling apart around them. That team had many contributors.

Readers looking for an easy story or for political affirmations should look elsewhere. Borrell’s nuanced narrative instead will inform future historians. Journalists and students looking for a birds-eye view of what happened in this pandemic will be most rewarded for their curiosities. Healthcare workers can better learn how the system works – and doesn’t work. The general public who wishes to learn beyond the day’s headlines can inform themselves by this fair and balanced treatment. Overall, this account provides a much needed summary of America’s pandemic story and prepares us for the coming evolution of whatever is coming next.

The First Shots: The Epic Rivalries and Heroic Science Behind the Race to the Coronavirus Vaccine
By Brendan Borrell
Copyright (c) 2021
Mariner Books
ISBN13 9780358569848
Page Count: 302
Genre: Contemporary History of Medicine