
The #PACE Process for Early Career Success 

An individual’s early career often sets the trajectory for future success, for better or for worse. Yet during this time, the path to success is almost universally less clear, and obstacles abound. Young professionals need mentoring and solid advice to advance, but hard-to-access options to get aid can conflict with each other. Now, a post-pandemic climate leaves remote and hybrid work environments where interpersonal interactions are less frequent. In this book, Zides tries to coach…

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Grit: The Power and Passion of Perseverance

Seemingly, everybody has their own version of secrets of success. Angela Duckworth shares that and more in her psychological theory of achievement; only hers is backed by research study. She terms the common factor in success as “grit.” In this work, she shares a way of quantifying grit (called the Grit Scale) methods to develop it in people. At the outset, she seeks to overthrow the idea that some people are just naturally more talented…

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Review: Outliers: The Story of Success

Being an outlier means being a non-conformist. One hears this kind of advice all the time. So many people buy into conventions that they forget the reasons behind the conventions. Gladwell seeks to critique the standard story of an outlier’s success. As normally told, outliers start doing there own thing; they work really hard and persevere; then in the end, they end up successful while all the world is envious of them; their story is…

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