Family Fiction-Stories

Daughters of Green Mountain Gap: A Novel

Primum non nocere, reads a key line of the Hippocratic Oath: “First do no harm.” For millennia, healthcare workers have tried to remember this ethical principle, yet human nature still often takes over. As is too common with religious differences, it’s far easier to squabble than to collaborate. In our modern world, science supersedes belief, no? And enlightened, western religion supersedes mystical religions of the land, right? In the past 40-or-so years, many have come…

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My Evil Mother: A Short Story

Overprotective parents tend to be universally characterized as “evil” by their children. You know the type… these parents do anything they possibly can to influence their child’s directions. This often happens along gender lines: mothers with daughters and fathers with sons. This short story, spun by Margaret Atwood, a master of the craft, describes how such a relationship evolved over time and was passed on to the next generation. This story is filled with humor,…

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