Indie Management-Business Software-Technology

Intellectual Property: A Handbook for Startups

New businesses, especially in technology, are often driven by new inventions. Thus, they require an inordinate amount of attention to intellectual property (IP) issues. However, being a new business, these companies are often the ones least able to afford the advice of an IP expert or a patent attorney. Groups that identify a stated IP strategy are shown to be much more likely to attract investors’ interest. So IP is more about getting a business’…

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Indie Management-Business Software-Technology

Intellectual Property Law: A Practical Guide to Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks & Trade Secrets

Intellectual property rights serve as a bedrock of a society that encourages innovation and economic advance. They protect inventors’ rights to protect their name and earn a financial profit from their work. Without copyrights, patents, and trademarks, businesses would fall prey to shady business tactics to discredit their efforts. Many of us are interested in understanding the legal frameworks around intellectual property, but lack the time and money to seek formal education in these topics.…

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