
Behind the Book: Eleven Authors on Their Path to Publication

Publishing a book is a big deal. I’ve never done it, but I’ve read enough to appreciate each author’s contribution. Getting to that point is tough, getting through that point is tough, and after that point is tough. Then getting on to the next one is tough. Nonetheless, ways exist to expedite the process. Chris Mackenzie Jones has himself published this book to guide authors how to navigate successfully through this process. He uses the…

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Family Psychology Research-Education

The Self-Driven Child: The Science & Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives

Like many, I had parents who tried to engineer their lives for “success,” but paid no attention to my passions, interests, and approach to life. Firsthand, I’ve seen that parenting style’s folly and futility and want to take a different angle with my daughter and with other children I have influence over. Enter The Self-Driven Child. This book helped concretize abstract beliefs into a coherent philosophy. It distills basic child psychology into a workable format…

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Management-Business Mentoring

The Mentor’s Toolkit for Career Conversations

Many students and people in their early careers need to learn how to think and act about careers. To them, learning this understanding can be an “elephant in the room” holding them back from achieving their goals – and personal happiness. Mentoring is one way to help these people get their lives on track. This tool is especially used in educational settings. However, mentoring is harder than it first appears. To help mentee-mentor relationships get…

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Management-Business Mentoring

How to Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don’t Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up

Modern culture sometimes has hard-to-shake core beliefs. The social mores tend to suggest that workers specialize (or sub-specialize) in one thing. We expect people to define themselves by their work, and their work must consist of one main task or calling. That’s easy for people who are good at only one thing or favor/enjoy only one thing. However, some of us have trouble fitting into that mold. We do multiple things well and enjoy the…

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