
What I’m Reading in April, 2020

Pandemics, Research, Writing, Visualizations, and Mental Illness The Plague by Albert Camus Given our current COVID-19 pandemic, this classic by a Nobel Prizewinner seems appropriate to re-read. This work explores the meaning of life amongst an fictionalized new outbreak of the plague in North Africa. Camus is one of my favorite writers and thinkers of all time, so I should immensely enjoy my time in this tale. Managing the Research University by Dean O. Smith…

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What I’m Reading in March, 2020

Old English, Computer Software, History of Science and Technology, and Writings about Writing Out with Winter, in with Spring! Old English Poetry: An Anthology by R.M. Liuzza I’ve been getting into Old English recently – that is, how English was spoken until around 1150. Think Beowulf. I’m kind of hopeful that the book will include the original language so that I can work on my translation skills. Sir Gawain and the Old Knight; Pearl; and…

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Coming Book Reviews…

On the Shelf for February 2020.Do you want to read with me and compare notes? Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis This novel covers the growth of medical research in America. This motif is relayed in fictionalized form and won Lewis a Pulitzer Prize… which he ironically refused to accept. It’s a classic tale capturing how medicine transitioned from an anecdotal profession into a science- and knowledge-driven enterprise. A History of the English Language by Albert C.…

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