Fiction-Stories History

Don’t Forget to Write: A Novel

American attitudes towards family have changed a lot since the 1960s. Young women are less regarded as family property to be given off in marriage, and feminism has thankfully facilitated women making life choices for themselves. It’s helpful, however, to remember occasionally what life was like in this prior era, which really isn’t so long ago. In this novel, Sara Goodman Confino takes us back through the story of a young lady who, in embracing…

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Fiction-Stories History Society

Well Behaved Wives: A Novel

The 1960s were transformative years for America, particularly for women. Coming out of the 1950s, many women felt constrained by limiting gender roles. However, in the early 1960s, feminism had not yet taken deep root. Women began to ask spiritual questions about whether there was more to life than being “well behaved.” This book chronicles women’s challenges of this era while shining light on repressive issues like domestic violence. Ruth Applebaum is a newlywed with…

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