Biography-Memoir History Religion-Philosophy

Sinner Saint: A Novel of Francis of Assisi

The twelfth-century monk Francis of Assisi lived one of the most interesting and impactful lives in the history of Christianity. In this novel, Price tells the story of his life using the techniques of historical fiction to bring out Francis’ illustrious personality. Francis attempted to bring out Gospel living in an age of church hypocrisy. In so doing, he shares a tale with us all that lifts our spirit and inspires readers to excel in their personal lives more.

A dramatic retelling of the real story of Francis’ life, this novel has it all. Father-son conflict, war, love, mental health, religious visions, brotherly rivalry, international diplomacy, compassion for the poor (and even for animals!) and undying passion all take their appropriate place. Francis is no weak, pious character. Instead, after quitting his career as a soldier, he founds one of the most successful religious orders in religious history. He attracts the attention of even the Pope and Islamic leaders as he collects international fame.

According to Price’s telling, Francis remains a man of the people. He makes mistakes at times. He consistently chooses to do the right thing, no matter the cost. At times, Price spends time preaching at us instead of showing the natural outcomes of such a philosophy. Literary critics call this “telling and not showing.” Falling into that temptation serves as the main weakness of this work. Francis’ life is bold enough to stand on its own without lapsing into a sermon.

Price does an excellent job of bringing out Francis’ personality out of the history. Religious authors are sometimes tempted just to rehash an old story. Instead, Price makes this story relevant to contemporary themes. The reader can easily pick out how Francis’ example addresses current news events. Although Price lapses into hagiography at times, readers get the sense that they have met the man (the flawed “sinner saint”) of Francis.

Obviously, religious and Christian readers seeking inspiration serve as the primary audience for this work. For what it’s worth, Price seems to write from a Protestant angle as he is consistently critical of the Papacy. However much such Protestants like to focus on Scripture, they neglect the riches of Christian history at their own peril. Anyone seeking to live a faithful life can benefit from dialogue with the life of Francis of Assisi. Fortunately, we have Price’s work to shine light on the path for us.

Sinner Saint: A Novel of Francis of Assisi
By Eyre Price
Copyright (c) 2020
Blank Slate Press
ISBN13 9781943075522
Page Count: 354
Genre: Historical Fiction, Biography, Religion