Biography-Memoir Healthcare Science

The Youngest Science: Notes of a Medicine-Watcher

Lewis Thomas spent his life revolving around various aspects of medicine – apprenticeship, patients, research, administration, being a patient, and writing. In this memoir, he shares tales and insights from all of these experiences in an easy-to-digest and relatable format.

I especially enjoyed his notes from his time as Dean of Yale’s medical school. Perhaps it’s because I work for an associate dean of medicine now. I appreciate his admonishments not to intervene too much in faculty affairs. If a culture is healthy, trying to change small aspects can only foul the waters.

This book often makes the list of recent physician-writers worth reading. It is well-written and even dives into scientific detail about cellular biology. Thomas even submits some thoughts on political theory: Women should not only run the earth, but in compensation for centuries of disenfranchisement, only women should be allowed to vote (not men)!

Overall, this is a light and witty read with loads of wisdom.

The Youngest Science: Notes of a Medicine-Watcher
by Lewis Thomas
Copyright (c) 1983
ISBN 0001402432
Page Count: 270
Genre: Medicine, Memoir, Non-Fiction