Biography-Memoir History

41: A Portrait of My Father

The notion of this book is very interesting. A Presidential biography written by a fellow President who is also a son. Parallels to the Adams family abound. George Bush the Elder, possessing a lifetime of experience in government, is like John Adams, also a one-term President. George W. Bush and John Quincy Adams are both sons who became President. Both sons had shortcomings which can be linked to their elite birth. Both sons knew how to work an establishment, and both faced the difficulty of seeming out-of-touch with the average American.

Upon completion, this biography left me with conflicting emotions. First, I grew a deeper admiration of George H.W. Bush (the Elder). Obviously W genuinely admires his father, and the writing allows that to shine through. Second, I felt more strongly that W was not qualified to be an American President. He saw the Republican party as a country club of sorts and lacked any real engagement with liberalism. HW seems to have wrestled with the issues of the day. W seems just to have coasted along.

I will dwell upon the positive. Reading about HW reminds me of a time before there was such a partisan divide in our politics. HW was a decent man who wanted to emphasize what we Americans have in common instead of dividing us to gain the upper hand. W chronicles several incidents in his life where HW chose the tougher road because of his commitment to decency.

W ties HW’s decency to his start in forgoing Yale to serve in World War II. Entering (and exiting) a war with purpose united HW’s generation and cemented their broad patriotism. Most men of his generation had fought for each other in war. This provided a common ethic and a common narrative which united them in times of political discord. Unfortunately, we lack that ethic today. With W, I stand in admiration of his father – even as a Democrat.

41: A Portrait of My Father
by George W. Bush
Copyright (c) 2014
ISBN13 9780553447781
Genre: Biography, US Presidential History
Page Count: 294