
Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir

Writing a memoir, a very personal task, involves an individualized process that is specific to each author. This book contains insights from ten authors of meaningful memoirs. Some of their advice conflicts; at other times, their process is so grounded in history that it can never be replicated. As such, this work is less of a how-to book and more of an inspirational book to aid a budding writer’s self-confidence.

I have taken from this work the motif of distinguishing between an autobiography and a memoir. An autobiography is a biography written about and by the author. It is essentially an objective record of facts about one’s life, shaped into a narrative. To contrast, a memoir contains a high degree of subjectivity. Feelings enter the mix and distort objective reality. Indeed, objective reality does not even seem to be an aim. Memoirs aim for respectful tone instead of journalistic accuracy.

The selected interviewees have been taken from many different walks of American life. Any American reader can find someone to identify with. Zinsser even includes Nobel prizewinner Toni Morrison, who wrote fiction and never penned a memoir. (Despite this – or maybe because of this – her interview was one of the most insightful.)

Zinsser is, as usual, on top of his craft. He is known for the best-selling book On Writing Well. This work merely applies some of those principles to the specific task of writing a memoir. One need not aspire to write a memoir to benefit from this work, however. We all craft stories about ourselves, to our friends, family, and co-workers. Zinsser’s work helps us refine what we are trying to say. This is the real benefit of his work and of his niche in writing. Overall, I recommend this book for those who want to learn how to share about themselves better because it helps them know themselves better first and because next it helps them relate that knowledge to others.

Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir
Edited by William Zinsser
Copyright (c) 1998
ISBN13 9780395901502
Page Count: 227
Genre: Writing/Communication