Economics Environment Science

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have & the Breakthroughs We Need

It’s no secret that climate change has begun to affect human lifestyles. Unfortunately, world politics and economics are ill-positioned to deal with this crisis. If we can’t agree that vaccines are a good thing, how can we agree on the difficult sacrifices required to preserve our planet for future generations? Despite this (or perhaps because of this), Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and the philanthropy Gates Foundation, is lending not only his name but also his time/energy to the effort. In this text, he approaches the crisis as an engineering problem and spells out specific needs and solutions for the world to embrace. However, he neglects to address how to overcome politically entrenched special interests groups.

Without a doubt, the billionaire Gates is thinking about his legacy as he attempts to give much of his fortune away through the Gates Foundation. This book, likewise, is certainly part of these efforts. Nonetheless, he shows particular care in how he deals with these issues in detail. He talks about specific technologies and economic impacts. This book does not go the way of a mere jeremiad about the environment, but is rather concerned with specifics of how humans will survive under new conditions. It will upset many who stand to lose power, money, and influence in a remade world economy.

This book covers everything from what is happening and why, to how society must change and how individuals can promote change today. He also shows attention to the concerns of poorer nations – those most affected by climate change who did the least to cause it. This book’s most difficult aspect is that it covers so many details that the reader is easily overwhelmed. That just goes to show that climate change is a complex problem with complex solutions.

Gates is ambitious to tackle this subject. He does an excellent job at providing high-level analysis. However, readers cannot help if they feel he is being a bit idealistic about solutions. Climate change is on the radar of politicians in developed countries, but if the public lacks the political will to attack COVID squarely, how can we unify in attack against something as difficult and upsetting as climate change? I’m a bit cynical that we will. Gates needs helpers among national leaders in the ruling classes. Still, technologists should bite at these prospects, however, because he talks details about economic opportunities to seize the future.

With this book, Gates attempts to pique the interests of the reading public about the effects of climate change. He does so in a practical and helpful way that advances the conversation. He is not a partisan of any political ideology nor a scientific ideology. He is realistic and honest about the sacrifices needed. I lament that society does not have much of a choice about tackling this matter. I also lament that so many think that we do, choosing short-term financial gain over long-term human health. It’s time to act, and Gates makes that case forthrightly. I’m wondering, though, is anyone listening?

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
By Bill Gates
Copyright (c) 2021
Random House Audio
Genre: Macroeconomics, Society