Fiction-Stories History

Don’t Forget to Write: A Novel

American attitudes towards family have changed a lot since the 1960s. Young women are less regarded as family property to be given off in marriage, and feminism has thankfully facilitated women making life choices for themselves. It’s helpful, however, to remember occasionally what life was like in this prior era, which really isn’t so long ago. In this novel, Sara Goodman Confino takes us back through the story of a young lady who, in embracing her freedom, comes to realize that life and love are what you make of it.

The twenty-year-old protagonist Marilyn Kleinman grows up in a wealthy Jewish household in New York City. Her father, from a previous generation, holds patriarchal views about family. On the Sabbath, Marilyn is hilariously caught making out with the rabbi’s son. Under threat of having to marry fast to avoid a synagogue scandal, Marilyn is sent to live with her elderly, strict, but rich aunt Ada for the summer. Ada is a professional matchmaker, and her presumed task is either to reform Marilyn so that she can resume college or marry her off to someone else.

However, as is common in life, things are not as they first appear. Inexperienced Marilyn learns that Ada is actually quite skilled in teaching people how to find love and happiness. Young Marilyn also learns that she herself is more limited in these endeavors than she first thinks. Amorous adventures ensue in a beachfront New Jersey town, but she learns that Ada has more personal depth than meets the eye. The plot unfolds and twists and turns until Marilyn grows up to be more in control of herself and her life. The very end even brings forth a marvelous surprise!

This book combines many themes to capture readers of all sorts: coming of age, changing family mores, feminism, relationships between generations, Jewish culture, and – of course – love in its many forms. The only motif that I wished would have found its way into this quick-moving tale is one of social responsibility to help others, particularly the less fortunate. But this book still packs a power punch to interested readers. It’s lighthearted enough to delight while dealing with meaningful issues that entice and engage readers’ hearts. Well done!

Don’t Forget to Write: A Novel
By Sara Goodman Confino
Copyright (c) 2023
Lake Union
ISBN13 9781662512223
Page Count: 335
Genre: Historical Fiction
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