Healthcare Research-Education Science

Cells are the New Cure: The Cutting-Edge Medical Breakthroughs that are Transforming Our Health

Paradigm shifts happen in science occasionally, but historically, relatively few professionals make the shift. Usually, new generations of practitioners tend to bring in the change via their educational experiences. This is unfortunate. In this work, Smith and Gomez educate healthcare professionals and the reading public about advances in medical research. They attempt to enlighten us all about what is going to happen next in doctor’s offices.

Their focus is on multiple developments around the cell. Hot topics like stem-cells, regenerative medicine, CRISPR, bioinformatics, translational science, and rare diseases are discussed. Of course, such research is current as of 2017 (the time of publication), but many of these developments provide previews of how clinical practice will change in coming years.

Smith and Gomez’s writing is accessible to a general audience and provide insight into how the medical system works. The topics are covered in enough depth to be relevant even to seasoned medical professionals. In addition, this is no mere textbook as stories from patients bring the concepts to light. They even present a section on philanthropy and recent changes in funding for medical research. It’s a good reminder that none of these discoveries should be taken for granted. They are the result of hard, careful work by scientists and donations by generous, thankful hearts.

I listened to this book via audiobook and found the presentation very easy to follow – even in the car! That’s how good the writing – and reading – are. I haven’t worked in a purely healthcare setting since 2012, but reading this book made me feel more prepared to face my own medical challenges and professional conversations with colleagues. The audiobook format is good for those who lead busy lives and have limited time to sit down to read.

Cells are the New Cure: The Cutting-Edge Medical Breakthroughs that are Transforming Our Health
By Robin L. Smith and Max Gomez
Copyright (c) 2017
Benbella Books
ISBN13 9781944648800
Genre: Medical Science