Mentoring Society

Critical Mentoring: A Practical Guide

The next generation is always society’s most important resource, so it follows that mentoring youth is an important activity. The author Weiston-Serdan leads a non-profit network of youth mentors in Southern California. She encounters situations where mentors have to unpack social baggage that can hold youth back – issues like race, gender, class, and sexuality. These issues are often classified under the label of critical theory, issues where power relationships can exist. Therefore, her message…

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Management-Business Mentoring

How to Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don’t Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up

Modern culture sometimes has hard-to-shake core beliefs. The social mores tend to suggest that workers specialize (or sub-specialize) in one thing. We expect people to define themselves by their work, and their work must consist of one main task or calling. That’s easy for people who are good at only one thing or favor/enjoy only one thing. However, some of us have trouble fitting into that mold. We do multiple things well and enjoy the…

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Management-Business Mentoring

High-Impact Mentoring: A Practical Guide to Creating Value in Other People’s Lives

Business research repeatedly proves that the vital skill of mentoring enhances the odds of career success among mentees. Further, it provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose among mentors. It helps with imposter syndrome and makes both parties feel a sense of belonging. Further, it can help both sides of the relationship keep in touch with the latest trends and overcome new challenges. So why don’t more organizations take advantage of this type of relationship?…

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Fiction-Stories Management-Business Mentoring

Starting Strong: A Mentoring Fable

A key way to develop careers is forming a mentoring relationship. To facilitate this, a mentor has to gain specific skills, and a mentee, likewise, has to possess certain skills. Although this relationship can make a healthy career, not a lot of conversation about this topic exists, even in education circles. In this work, Zachary and Fischler try to examine traits that make mentoring relationships work. They do so through a fable (or allegory) that…

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Biography-Memoir Mentoring Psychology

Mentors: How to Help & Be Helped

The well-known Russell Brand advocates for mental health in the United Kingdom. He has been open about his recovery from numerous addictions in his best-selling memoir Recovery. He follows up that book with this look at mentoring, which helped him out of his hard spot. He is not focused as much on professional or career mentoring, but instead personal and life development. By remembering healthy relationships he’s had in the past, he teaches how to…

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