
A Castle in Brooklyn: A Novel

Two young Jewish men were orphaned during the Holocaust, but by hiding together, survived. They eventually achieved passage to the United States. They learned English, and one fell in love with another Jew who left before the Holocaust. This new couple married and started to establish a life. The other, with a longstanding interest in architecture, built them a house in Brooklyn. From there, this story unfolds with tales of love and loss, of affection…

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Uncharted Waters: A Short Story

A traditional love triangle occurs when one party forms an amorous relationship with two other people. However, it’s a relatively unexplored (i.e., “uncharted”) topic when those two other people fall for each other. Strict gender roles have historically prevented authors from going there, but in this short story, Hepworth pushes the envelope to explore a new facet of a love triangle. Ella and Chloe are both passengers on a cruise ship off the coast of…

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The Deluge: A Novel

Few issues have as far-ranging of a potential impact as climate change. Like nuclear weapons or global war, it has a very real potential to end human life on this planet, yet it is not (yet) taken seriously in political conversations in America. Instead, we dilly-dally about old debates like whether authoritarianism or democracy is a better form of practical government. In this book of futuristic fiction, Markley tries to predict how the American experiment…

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Fiction-Stories History Society

Well Behaved Wives: A Novel

The 1960s were transformative years for America, particularly for women. Coming out of the 1950s, many women felt constrained by limiting gender roles. However, in the early 1960s, feminism had not yet taken deep root. Women began to ask spiritual questions about whether there was more to life than being “well behaved.” This book chronicles women’s challenges of this era while shining light on repressive issues like domestic violence. Ruth Applebaum is a newlywed with…

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Fiction-Stories Management-Business

Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (& Their Employees)

Most people fear having a miserable job, and some are stuck in this predicament. Even jobs with nice enticements like fame and money can leave employees feeling unfulfilled by meaninglessness. One person has a disproportionately large impact on this situation: the manager. She/he can help employees find meaning in their work. In this book, Lencioni describes how managers can gift this to their employees… and achieve better results along the way. Lencioni has written another…

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Fiction-Stories History Religion-Philosophy

The Fire & the Ore: A Novel

This book is an exploration of polygamy – i.e., plural marriage – how it forms and how it operates. It’s an exploration of a topic that is controversial because of its place in early Mormon society and curious because it runs contrary to how much of society has organized itself. I live in the American South and am a Protestant Christian. Southern Christians would never deign to practice public plural marriages. (Polyamory is another matter,…

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Fiction-Stories Religion-Philosophy

Moses, Man of the Mountain: A Novel

In Western and Middle-Eastern thought, undergirded by three monotheistic faiths, the Moses story carries overarching significance. It tells of liberation from bondage and the struggle of living with that freedom. It tells of the temptations to lapse into prior, seeming comforts of slavery. It tells how freedom, best exercised, consists of communing with a transcendent yet imminent God. This story is taught to children regularly in synagogues, churches, and mosques the world over. For those…

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A Tangled Mercy: A Novel

Known for its history and beauty, Charleston, South Carolina, is one of my favorite places in the United States. My favorite Charlestonian of all time (besides my wife) is Denmark Vesey, who led a failed slave revolt in 1822. He left my church in Charleston (Second Presbyterian Church) to help found Mother Emmanuel AME Church – the same church that hosted a horrific Bible study in 2015 that ended when a white racist murdered nine…

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Breach: A Novel

Some of us bear continual hardships that others might never encounter. Marleigh Mulcahy is one of these people. Both her parents are addicted to alcohol, and she was raised in a boxing gym by her grandfather. She is working through school to be a dental technologist, but has to work several jobs to make ends meet. Her grandfather fades into dementia and eventual death. Life seems stacked against her. While in the gym, she meets…

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Fiction-Stories Society

The Man Who Lived Underground: A Novel

In the 1940s, Richard Wright published two seminal works (Black Boy and Native Son). Both dealt with the topic of race in America. Wright also wrote another full-length work (this one), but it was rejected by publishers for being too controversial about race. However, during the recent Black Lives Matter movement, many saw the censorship of this book as being a historical injustice that needed correction. So in 2021, this story was published for the…

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