In the last few decades, computers and the Internet have provided humans with new access to untold masses of information. Humans are just now catching up on how to use this information for our own good. The technology needs to make our lives easier and more productive, not less so. Fortunately, first-time author Tiago Forte points the way to use these tools to aid creativity. In book form, he teaches a method that he’s shared in seminars around the world to manage “personal knowledge” better.
Habits of memorization and recitation are becoming things of the past. With a few new skills, we can use ever-present devices and computers to do these tasks for us. However, we have to learn to use them wisely. They must organize our lives more, not less, or we will become slaves to them. This field, called Personal Knowledge Management, aims to make computational resources our “Second Brain.”
Forte introduces readers how to use note-capturing software to organize one’s entire life – work and personal. He provides some basic, high-level organizational concepts that can get us started on using these. Two potential audiences are especially served: First, newbies to personal organization but old-hats to technology can learn how to organize life effectively; second, newbies to technology but old-hats to personal organization can learn basic skills to make their lives more efficient. These aids can manage both personal/private and business affairs.
Forte admits that in the long run, pragmatism wins out. Humans need to have a working system to organize the many things life throws at us. Those with superior systems – that is, systems that promote creativity and human flourishing – will capture the spoils. Many of us lack access to first-hand mentoring and education to teach us such a system. While Forte provides just a start in this quick read, it can move us in the right direction to changing our minds, hearts, and lives so that we can excel in the coming years.
Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential
By Tiago Forte
Copyright (c) 2022
Atria Books
ISBN13: 9781982167387
Page Count: 272
Genre: Personal Knowledge Management