I am a professional software developer with an interest in biostatistics. I picked up this book to gain a deeper understanding of Kaplan-Meier graphs and accompanying theories around them. This book went into many more details than I found accessible. Nonetheless, it introduced me to hazard plots and hazard analysis – a concept that I was able to apply to my work.
Mathematics/statistics and R code are used heavily in this book. To garner the full value of this work, the reader should really explore the R code on her/his own computer. For use this way, Moore presents the appropriate concepts, commands, outcomes, and interpretations.
The appropriate audience for this work is the community of biostatisticians. Those in the general population – or even the scientifically literate population – who, like me, have only a tangential interest will likely not receive this work’s full value. Nonetheless, there are some nuggets that can still be gleaned. I unfortunately lack the competence to critically judge Moore’s science.
Applied Survival Analysis Using R
By Dirk F. Moore
Copyright (c) 2016
ISBN13 9783319312439
Page Count: 226
Genre: Biostatistics