Fiction-Stories Society

An American Marriage

This is a story of the effects of improper incarceration of America’s black men. It is also a love story. The reconciliation of these two themes births a plot with several twists and turns, right down to the Epilogue.

Jones provides us with a fresh tale with interesting food for thought. My only additional wish is for more. I wish that there were some other theme that played itself out in these pages and interacted with this dual-themed book, right to the end as well. Perhaps I am too ambitious…

The setup of the story is simple enough. A young black married couple is doing well in establishing themselves. The husband is falsely accused of rape and convicted. In his absence, the wife struggles with maintaining the marriage. Their male best friend expands onto the scene and fills an emotional hole in her life. Then an appeals judge decides that the husband was falsely convicted and releases him from jail. This narrative brings insight to the plight of black America where black males are automatically scapegoated by society’s stereotypes.

It also addresses the nature of true love and how far humans will go in order to find it and to persist in it. I will not spoil the ending, but suffice it to say that Jones describes several plot twists that engage the reader with her/his own biases through her/his own experiences about love. Although the African American community might gravitate towards its subject matter, those of other races should pay attention, too. This story is a common tale of modern America, and our fellow citizens suffer because of our own prejudices and ignorance. Jones brings to light many injustices, and the American people should hear about them.

Fortunately, Jones shares her insight in an entertaining and accessible form. She does so directly and respectfully. It’s no wonder that Oprah selected this book as a part of her book club. The reading public should pay attention.

An American Marriage
by Tayari Jones
Copyright (c) 2018
ISBN13 9781616201340
Page Count: 306
Genre: Fiction, Romance