
Adulting: A Novel by Liz Talley

To “adult” is a colloquial verb meaning taking responsibility for one’s own life. In this book, romance-book author Talley tells the story of fictional celebrity character Chase London and her therapist Olivia Han. Chase was a famous child actress who has, as she reached adulthood, gotten in highly publicized trouble with drinking, drugs, and men. To prepare her for an acting assignment, Olivia attempts to teach her how to take responsibility in a life-coaching program called Square One.

To pursue the program away from the bright lights, they journey from urban Hollywood to rural Cotter’s Creek in Northern California. Fortunately, Chase adapts to the program well and learns basic life skills like cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping – all for herself. Through conversations with Olivia, she confronts defining moments in her life story and begins to find out who she is. During this time, Olivia also has to confront some of her own life and family issues, and the tables are turned as therapist becomes subject. Adulting works both ways as women learn sisterhood and healthy lifestyles.

Given Talley as an author, this book would not be full without some romance. Chase gets to know her neighbor in Cotter’s Creak, and they spend much time together. Olivia also has an ex who plays a leading role in the story along with Chase’s actor-friend Spencer. This book should not be categorized as a pure romance – it’s main theme is women taking responsibility for their own lives. Nonetheless, romances play a significant role in the story. Talley, who has won awards for her writings in the genre of romance, weaves together multiple themes nicely in a more sophisticated tale.

This book will find an audience especially among women who like romances that also address other life stories. The tale of getting one’s life in order (i.e., adulting) transcends gender, however. I honestly would have liked this theme to have been even stronger in the book, and the romance, less expansive. As titled, this book has the potential to appeal to all types of people who want to take charge of their lives. Child actresses aren’t the only ones whose parents have pushed them down a particular professional path. For leading characters Chase and Olivia, romance plays a leading role in that story. Adulting, however, has many more facets than one’s love life. Regardless, Talley provides a constructive tale that stands to provide fodder for entertainment and personal growth in the coming years.

Adulting: A Novel
By Liz Talley
Copyright (c) 2021
ISBN13 9781542026031
Page Count: 323
Genre: Fiction