Healthcare Software-Technology

The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 & Beyond

Artificial Intelligence is changing the way information is handled worldwide. The advances pose particular opportunities for medicine, where descriptive texts are the norm, research expands knowledge exponentially, and paperwork is a main product. Of course, new dangers uncover themselves, too. Will AI merely exacerbate existing health inequities, or will it provide better quality care for anyone with a smartphone worldwide? These subjects need to be thought through in order to secure positive outcomes. These authors, with a foot in medicine and a foot in computing, pen a fascinating early take on these dilemmas for us to ponder.

Early on, businesses have capitalized on AI opportunities the most, with AI-driven chat bots popping up everywhere. Because Chat GPT-4 has been trained extensively on medical research, they actually can serve as great healthcare assistants. They are wrong sometimes – and sometimes widely wrong. Yet Chat GPT-4 passes medical licensing exams better than most physicians, so it might already outperform most doctors, especially with rare diseases. This book discusses these ethical dilemmas so that everyone can access this discussion. It also glances at how doctors could improve the quality of patient experience by getting AI to do paperwork.

Inspired and curious, I typed in my medical history about a condition that I’m exploring with my physician. The workup I was given was far more thorough than anything even my excellent physician could offer. It had me, a biomedical software developer, dreaming of how to leverage the technology for the ultimate good of patients. It can even modify the sentence structure and language to address those at lower literacy levels instead of science geeks like myself.

As with any new technology, challenges await, yet at this juncture, the opportunities seem great. Workers in the healthcare sector and healthcare users in the general public might be able to leverage AI for good if it’s addressed properly. Frankly, it’s a matter of survival for both parties. This book can help readers think through these thorny issues at an early gate so that they – we – won’t be left behind. AI can prove to be an effective helper, but like anything in life, wisdom comes from sorting out the good from the bad. This book definitely equipped me to do just that.

The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 and Beyond
By Peter Lee, Carey Goldberg & Isaac Kohane with Sébastien Bubeck
Narrated by J. Hunter Ackerman
Copyright (c) 2023
Length: 7:24
Genre: Computer Science, Medicine